Monday, October 20, 2008

Being the Fat Girl

I haven't been in the mood to write much lately because I've been busy with other things. Plus I'm down about 3 pounds - the stage where my size 16s look baggy on my butt but size 14s are still a little too tight. There hasn't been much else to say.

I was a little bored earlier so I was wandering around in blogland and hit on some blogs that were a bit distressing. I know that we are a weight obsessed culture and for those who feel fat, the feelings of distance and ostracism can be overwhelming. I guess I've just never had it in my face as much before.

I stumbled across the following blogs:
On number 97 of things this blogger hates about being fat. If you are looking for things to add to your list, there may be a few you haven't thought of.
This blog covers more than just ranting about weight. There are some good life tips here.
If you're looking for positive and reasonable inspiration, start here. This blogger tracked her weight loss over 3 years for a total of 178 pounds and now works at tracking how she keeps it off.
Check out another woman who has lost half her weight. This blog tracks weight loss that started in 2001 and is great for the maintenance stage.
A weight loss journey with a dieter willing to experiment with almost any diet out there.

Some of these are great blogs full of awesome inspiration while others rant. There are a few moments of negativity and laughs but these are well worth the visit.

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