Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Writing Diet: Write Yourself Right-Size

I came across information about an unusual diet book I just had to tell you about. The Writing Diet: Write Yourself Right-Size from author Julia Cameron. Ms. Cameron is the author of several books I admire including

The Artist’s Way
Finding Water: The Art of Perseverance
The Right to Write: An Invitation and Initiation into the Writing Life

Cameron is an excellent inspiration to writers and artists. She helps them find their creativity, motivate to write daily morning pages and generally take their art seriously.

So when I came across her book I was at the very least intrigued. You see, in her previous books one of the most effective techniques is the activities she suggests for getting your brain and your habits on the right track. I was interested to find what she might suggest about dieting.

If you are the creative type and need someone to guide you through the self-actualization of find your emotional triggers and why you overeat – consider this book. Be aware that there is little new information. You should already know everything she suggests – journaling, determining why you eat, walking for exercise, eating when hungry not angry, bored or to please others.

The best review I came across was on Size Ate –

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