Sunday, September 28, 2008

Apartment Hunting - One of life's distractions

One of the reasons I have gotten behind on blogging is that I've had to look for a new place. You see, my lease is up in about a month and since the place where I live has decided to jump my rent it has become out of my comfortable reach.

I don't mind having to pay rent, it's a part of life. But I do mind when the cost jumps hundreds of dollars every year. With the economy going to crap, how can anyone reasonably expect to pay increased rental costs?

What you ask does this have to do with losing weight? Not much. EXCEPT that when I have to deal with searching for a new place and arranging a budget to afford a new deposit and moving charges, I don't actually have time to work out or think about my diet.

I hate to say it but this is one of my top ten reasons for not losing weight. If I'm honest with myself I can admit that life and its distractions often keep me from losing weight. Moving isn't the only life distraction that has this impact. Some others include
  • Changing jobs
  • Working a 2nd job (which I have been doing for about 4 months)
  • Traveling
  • Starting a new relationship (or ending an old one)
  • Studying for continuing education tests
  • Working overtime
  • Reading a really good book
  • Eating out as part of social time or interaction with friends

These are just a few of my life distractions.

What are yours?

Start making a list of your life's little distractions that keep you from losing weight.

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