Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Entirely too full

I realize that it isn't kosher in the world of dieters to say that you are too full unless you have gone off the wagon. The thing is, I've never been a big eater. I snack often and have a soda addiction but when it comes down to it, I don't eat a lot in terms of volume. In switching to healthier meals with no processed carbs I am now eating about 1200-1300 calories every day and the majority of that is raw fruits and vegetables. I get some whole grains in a Kashi bar every day but it's that and protein. No pasta, potatoes or other carbs.

The thing about eating lean protein and raw fruits and veggies is that you have to eat a fair amount to get up to the calories and then it takes a while for your body to digest. So come dinner time I really don't want to eat. I feel bloated and uncomfortable.

So my question is, does this ever end? How are we supposed to feel like we are losing weight or will lose weight when are systems backed up or bloated and uncomfortable? How can you keep your motivation when eating healthy makes you feel tired and crappy?

Today I feel entirely too full and I only ate 1200 calories. I'm so full I feel lethargic and unmotivated. How about you?

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