Friday, September 5, 2008

Fit Day (Again)

I tried Fit Day. Don’t worry I’m not giving up after less than 24 hours. Instead I came to a revelation in just one day. You see, I did really well with my meals yesterday. Tracking my meals was fine through about 5 pm. I had consumed about 950 calories so far for the day with only dinner remaining. I left work and headed to the grocery store. I’ve started going to the store twice a week so that I can get fresh fruit and vegetables. I got tired of buying fruit on Saturday and having it go bad by Wednesday or Thursday.

Going to the grocery store twice a week means I am tempted twice as often to buy things I shouldn’t. I’m also tempted to buy junk when I stop at the store on my way home. Still, I stopped. I bought the fruit and some fish. But then, I walked down the past aisle and was tempted by the mac & cheese and they had cherry coke in the cooler while I was waiting to check out.

I was so tired I just wanted to go home but I picked up both items, even though I knew I shouldn’t. Mac & cheese might be OK in moderation but I live alone and for some reason I can’t make myself cook just half the box. So I made the entire box, served it with 3 ounces of steak and the soda that had called to me. The meal was filling even without veggies.

I entered the meal into Fit Day this morning and watched my calories consumed blossom from 950 to over 2300 for the day. I totally bombed the day, consuming 500 more calories than I burned for the day - all because I shopped when I was too tired to care about sticking to the plan.

What I learned from this was that Fit Day may be a great tool for me. I instantly was forced to see the stupidity of eating and entire box of mac & cheese for dinner. The nutritional value shown on the chart online along with the calorie consumption smacked me in the face. That one slip, that one mistake, trashed the hard work I put into the day.

What Fit Day also showed me was that I could have made it up. The instant data on the site let me know that I could have added an exercise with some serious cardio or strength training and brought my calorie intake at least to even (instead of eating so much more than I burned). I’m going to try to stick with the program for at least a month to see if I can track trends. I’ll let you know how it goes.

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